Montessori Society AMI (UK)
Recording now available here: Shop Online / Recorded Events
The Annual General Meeting of the Montessori Society AMI (UK)
will take place on Saturday 09 November 2024, online at 9.30am
followed by our speaker
Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation
"Self-discipline is an aspect of individual liberty and the chief factor of success in life." From Childhood to Adolescence
While working as an occupational therapist and autism resource specialist Leah Kuypers was struck by how often students’ challenges in regulation skills impacted their academic and social participation, as well as their sense of well-being. This led her to design a framework in which learners of all ages can foster regulation competencies aligned to their developmental continuum and be given the opportunities to practice the skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Leah provides trainings and consultation to districts, professionals, and caregivers on regulation and social emotional learning and conducts workshops on The Zones of Regulation framework to groups around the world.
© Montessori Society AMI (UK)